fine art with museum glass

Capturing the sunrise on a early morning made it a complete adventure.

Build to impress Joseph Stalin. Nowadays Medea Sanatorium stands among the many abandoned properties in Tskhaltubo, serving as both shelter and home to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). These individuals fled to the area following the ethnic conflict between Georgia and Abkhazia from August 1992 to September 1993. Approximately 8,000 to 9,000 IDPs sought refuge in Tskaltubo, where the once-prosperous spa industry had collapsed, leaving an abundance of vacant hotel rooms. Originally intended as a temporary solution, the makeshift apartments within these former sanatoriums have, after nearly three decades, evolved into permanent residences for successive generations of families.

Embrace the story within your about the purchase.

Backing 4 mm Dibond
Printed on Fine Art cotton/paper
Museum glass AF

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Gracefull Pillars | Martijn Walet Photography
Gracefull Pillars | Martijn Walet Photography

This fine piece of art is a Custom made piece. It all starts with the right choice of quality paper combined with the best print work, I’ve chosen for a mix of paper and cotton and the best printshop known in the art world. Why..; only the best fabrication counts for me and my clients. By choosing for a mix of paper and cotton; colors will come to life, feeling and embrasing the story that lies within.

The frame work is carefully chosen, where the artwork (embossed on a 4 mm dibond backing) will “float”.

Fine Art Print vs Standard Print

Fine Art printing is the term often used to refer to professional photographs being printed on very high quality paper. It is the result of the perfect combination of a great soulful paper, the wide colour gamut and archievability qualities of a set of inks and the expertise of a photographer and a printer (can be the same person).

The difference between Fine Art paper and normal photo paper lies in the composition of the paper itself. As a matter of fact, natural fibres (usually cotton or alpha cellulose) must be included within the composition of fine art paper. The paper is not artificially bleached with chlorine, thus ensuring that the photos stand the test of time. A major asset in the sphere of art photography!

Normal photo paper meet the needs of some users when it comes to printing photos to be viewed on an occasional basis, whereas Fine Art paper will ensure that images are shown off in their best light and provides good performance when exhibiting prints.

Because Fine Art paper is intended for the printing of high-quality photographs, its quality must be ideally suited to receiving inks and pigments. The composition of the surface layer must allow the ink to adhere well over time, while offering a neutral pH to ensure that the paper also stands the test of time.

Last but no least, this Fine Art paper will allow you to emphasise the composition of my image, while providing the ideal support for intense colours and marked contrasts, while also enabling a wide range of grey tones. Embrace the story your about the purchase.